A person wrote, he thought he knew better, but when he saw a company recommended by major network TV stations and search engines, he thought the deal must be legitimate. He paid $3.99 to pay the shipping cost for the free product the company offer. That $3.99 gave the company his credit card number. Later he found out the free product would cost him over $49 a month if he did nothing. So, he immediately canceled his subscription to their product.
Three weeks later, he found out they sold his personal information, along with his credit card number, to another company that signed him up (without his permission) to, not one, but two subscriptions to their online product and service. Since he didn't know about this and couldn't cancel it, they charged his card. He now is in the middle of trying to get charges refunded, etc.
He did only one thing right. He gave the original company a new email address that no one else had. So when he found out the second company had the new email address, he knew immediately where they got it from.
His advice is stay to away from anything that looks too good to be true!
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